Friday, May 3, 2024

Methodology Series Module 3: Cross-sectional Studies PMC

transversal study design

Observational studies are studies that we conduct without any intervention or experiment. Case-control studies differ from cross-sectional studies in that case-control studies compare groups retrospectively and cannot be used to calculate relative risk. Cross-sectional studies can be either qualitative or quantitative, depending on the type of data they collect and how they analyze it. Often, the two approaches are combined in mixed-methods research to get a more comprehensive understanding of the research problem. Cross-sectional studies do not provide information from before or after the report was recorded and only offer a single snapshot of a point in time. Researchers are able to look at numerous characteristics (ie, age, gender, ethnicity, and education level) in one study.

On Transversal Designs

For instance, information on prevalence of cataract in a city may help the government decide on the appropriate number of ophthalmologic facilities. Data from descriptive studies done in different populations or done at different times in the same population may help identify geographic variation and temporal change in the frequency of disease. This may help generate hypotheses regarding the cause of the disease, which can then be verified using another, more complex design. These studies are convenient to do since the data have often already been collected and are available from a reliable source. This design is particularly useful when the differences in exposure between individuals within a group are much smaller than the differences in exposure between groups.

Social media and mental health in students: a cross-sectional study during the Covid-19 pandemic - BMC Psychiatry - BMC Psychiatry

Social media and mental health in students: a cross-sectional study during the Covid-19 pandemic - BMC Psychiatry.

Posted: Thu, 22 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Study designs: Part 3 - Analytical observational studies

Despite the substantial studies published on transversal competences and stated their importance in achieving national and international education goals, there is a lack of reliable comparative data at vocational education and training level. After analyzing our search results, we can state that most of the publications were qualitative analysis or theoretical reviews, but not quantitative research based on empirical facts. Furthermore, we have not found any longitudinal study at our educational level, so we stated the need to carry out more research to understand how the transversal competences develop and what kind of initiatives have an impact of the acquisition of transversal competences.

Questions & More Information

transversal study design

Unlike case-control studies, they can be used to describe, not only the odds ratio, but also absolute risks and relative risks from prevalences (sometimes called prevalence risk ratio, or PRR). They may be used to describe some feature of the population, such as prevalence of an illness, or they may support inferences of cause and effect. The Systemic Design Association's membership ethos is to co-create the socialization and support for all members to contribute their work, find feedback and collaboration where needed, and pursue their pathways toward research and practice outcomes that naturally build a vital design field for the future.


He conducted a survey among small to mid-size enterprises (SME) and VET providers from six countries. Studies with a cross-sectional study design involve the collection of information on the presence or level of one or more variables of interest (health-related characteristic), whether exposure (e.g., a risk factor) or outcome (e.g., a disease) as they exist in a defined population at one particular time. If these data are analyzed only to determine the distribution of one or more variables, these are “descriptive.” However, often, in a cross-sectional study, the investigator also assesses the relationship between the presence of an exposure and that of an outcome. Such cross-sectional studies are referred to as “analytical” and will be discussed in the next article in this series.

Prospective vs Retrospective Studies

Extended postpartum intimate partner violence and its associated factors: community-based cross-sectional study ... - BioMed Central

Extended postpartum intimate partner violence and its associated factors: community-based cross-sectional study ....

Posted: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

However, due to the nature of study design, in general, it is difficult to derive causal relationships from cross-sectional analysis. As the number of early career researchers seeking employment outside academia continues to grow, all actors must cooperate to enhance transversal skills training for doctoral students. Universities must continue to improve international mobility, mentoring, joint research, career services, industry-based projects and university–industry partnerships to help doctoral students develop discipline-specific and transferable skills for academic and industry career. Private enterprises need to provide on-the-job learning opportunities for doctoral candidates who could be potential employees. Doctoral candidates must actively search and participate in transversal skills development opportunities. The present bibliometric study provides an overview of the scientific research carried out during the last 10 years in the field of transversal competences in VET.

transversal study design

Cross-sectional studies may involve special data collection, including questions about the past, but they often rely on data originally collected for other purposes. They are often used to assess the prevalence of acute or chronic conditions, or to answer questions about the causes of disease or the results of intervention. This form of research requires the scholar to partake in the use of, or observe others use, a designed object or system.

Because case-control studies are usually based on individual-level data, they do not have this problem. The use of routinely collected data allows large cross-sectional studies to be made at little or no expense. Longitudinal studies differ from both in making a series of observations more than once on members of the study population over a period of time. Design studies can refer to any design-oriented studies but is more formally an academic discipline or field of study that pursues, through both theoretical and practical modes of inquiry, a critical understanding of design practice and its effects in society.

Advantages of cohort studies

For employers, the internships offer the opportunity to check if the future employees' competences are adapted to those required in the job (Mareque and De Prada 2018; Mareque et al. 2018). Nevertheless, we would like to highlight the importance of taking into account factors such as the duration of the internships. Globalization, which implies the interchange of worldviews, cultures, and ideas, has had a dramatic impact on education and on labour market. The education and training of the labour force are facing new challenges and the education institutions are increasingly demanded to provide the new workforce with the adequate knowledge and skills. The scarcity of skilled workers has often been attributed to the gap between educational systems and companies’ needs or to the fact that learning and training profiles are not suitable for current industry settings (Tijdens et al. 2012 cited in Hasanefendic, Heitor, and Horta 2016). Consequently, we will be able to put forward or adapt our courses to encourage these skills.

In addition, the development of assessment tools for VET competences cannot be based on extensive previous research and accumulated knowledge about vocational expertise (Muja et al. 2019) because so far, there are few empirical studies conducted at this level. Hence, the design of such tools should be tested for feasibility and an agreement needs to be reached on the definition of concepts such as “vocational competence” or “generic competence” (Lahn and Nore 2019). Other experts consider that these competences have to be defined and assessed in an occupation-specific way. That is the case of Monnier et al. (2016), who developed a simulation-based situational judgment test for medical assistants in Germany. The results show that the competence levels are satisfactory for all dimensions, which confirms the need to integrate these skills in the curriculum. We can measure the prevalence of disease or calculate the OR as a measure of association.

Baumeler (2019), taking as an example the dual VET system in Switzerland, explores the question of whether this successful concept can be transferred to a completely different context, as it is the case of India. The results show that the pedagogical concept of competence-based is not transferable due to the different “culturally coined educational concepts and practices in the context of schooling” (Baumeler 2019, 11). We will discuss this further in the implementation of transversal competences in VET models’ section and in our conclusions. In response to industry demands, a university should not be seen as a place where doctoral students formulate a theory about the net ideology of a discipline but as a place for socializing, interacting, arguing critically and developing transferable skills for various careers.

In 2022, the Systemic Design Association adopted the scholars spiral—a cyclic non-hierarchical approach to advance scholarship—and in 2023, launched Contexts—The Systemic Design Journal. Together, the RSD symposia and Contexts support the vital emergence of supportive opportunities for scholars and practitioners to publish work in the interdisciplinary field of systemic design. A qualitative research method was used for this study; thus, data gained from existing literature were the most significant aspect of this study, serving as the key approach to answering the research questions.

The cross-sectional design can also be used for multi-variable analyzes, such as binary logistic regression, in order to simultaneously calculate the ORs of several risk factors and their statistical significance, ranking them by order of influence on the outcome under analysis. Moreover, in this analysis it is also possible to calculate the significance and explanatory capacity of the model generated by the set of factors that evidenced statistically significant ORs in the binary logistic regression analysis. The authors presented a cross-sectional analysis to assess the prevalence of HIV and risk behaviors in male sex workers. The data were collected by interviewer-administered questionnaires (for sociodemographic and behavior data), clinical evaluation for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and serological evaluation for STIs (including HIV). After the entry into the study, the participants are measured for outcome and exposure at the same time [Figure 1].

Design ethnography has become a common tool where design is observed as a social practice. It describes a process in which a researcher will partake in traditional observant style ethnography, and observe potential users complete activities that can inform design opportunities and solutions.[29] Other ethnographic techniques used by design studies scholars would fall more in line with anthropologists usage of the method. The participant style requires the scholar to partake in the activities with their subject. This tactic enables the scholar to record what they see, but also what they themselves experience.

Thus hindering doctoral candidates from investing in relevant competencies needed for nonacademic jobs (De Grande et al., 2011). The researchers opined that the top three skills required by employers include technical skills, teamwork and analytical thinking; on the contrary, doctoral candidates rated research skills, scientific knowledge and analytical thinking as the most valuable skills for industry jobs. Although academic career is the primary destination of doctorate holders (Germain-Alamartine, 2019), private enterprises are increasingly becoming a career option for PhD graduates because of the expansion of private sector research and development capacity (Germain-Alamartine and Moghadam-Saman, 2020). Research evidence shows that type of discipline determines the extent to which transversal skill training can be integrated into academic programs. Disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM) tend to have more enablers for transferable skill training in doctoral education. Doctoral students in STEMM seem to receive extensive technical training through engagement in lab projects, whereas the transversal skills of their non-STEM peers tend to be underdeveloped.

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